Current News

Events & Notices

City-to-Resident Notification System

The Town of Gambier is pleased to announce the launch of the Blackboard Connect service, our new city-to-resident notification system.
Do you have questions about this new service?
Click here

Helping Seniors Live Independently at Home

A Hand at Home (AHAH) is a nonprofit volunteer organization that offers practical everyday services to older adults in the Village of Gambier and College Township.
Click here 

Village of Gambier

Gambier. For those who know the village, the name conjures up images of a lively and lovely place set apart and feelings of being enveloped by a caring and close-knit community. For those who haven’t yet experienced the village, we invite you to visit and share those images and feelings.

Named for Lord James Gambier, the village was founded by Philander Chase, who also founded the institution at its core, Kenyon College. With Kenyon’s Middle Path serving as the village’s main pedestrian artery, students and other Gambier residents get to know each other as citizens of this unique community.

The Kokosing Gap Trail, a fourteen-mile Rails-to-Trails path that passes over Kokosing River bridges and runs through Knox County fields and forest, features a major entrance – and a retired railroad engine and caboose – in Gambier, and Kenyon’s Brown Family Environmental Center maintains several attractive nature walks in and contiguous to the village. The Gambier Community Center on Meadow Lane provides a playground, baseball and soccer fields, and picnic facilities. If you have a canine companion, we invite you and your pooch to visit the dog park there.

We hope you enjoy your time at the Gambier website. Come see us in person soon!